Over the summer I took my dog and children to Nicasio Reservoir in West Marin. There are some great trails around there and a lot of good bass fishing. The grass was tall, which made it a bit of a challenge navigating the trails. After a couple hours we decide to turn back to the truck and return home. When we arrived at the truck, I looked at my son and noticed a bunch of little black things all over his body. No stranger to ticks because I grew up in the area, I knew what they were right away. I think I pulled about 30-40 off him. The dog was another story; over 100 ticks removed by hand and another 20-30 that came off from the tick bath. That was a lot of ticks! I made the same trek on the same trail this last December and when I returned to my truck, not a single tick to be found. Where did they all go?
Ticks do not die during the winter. They survive the winter months by going dormant or attaching to a host. They hide on the ground among the fallen leaves and branches and are practically invisible to the naked eye. Some ticks are active during the winter but that is dependent on the temperature; if the temperature stays above 45-degrees ticks can be active. Tick eggs tend to hatch in August and September, and this is when tick season is in full force. The newly hatched ticks will need to find a host, or they will perish. Indeed, there are ticks during the winter, but the sheer density and amount is greatly reduced. They are much less of a threat. When spring rolls around again and you see the tiny black things crawling on your walls, in your backyard, or on your children, give Santa Rosa Exterminators a call. We specialize in tick suppression and eradication among other things. We also provide free consultations. You can also visit us on the web at http://santarosaexterminators.com.
Doomsday is on the horizon! The end is near! The Sky is falling! Whatever phrase it is you hear from the media about how we are destroying the world and everything that lives in it, I bet you wonder what it is you can do to stave off these end of the world predictions. First, recognize the media for what it is; a bunch of ignoramuses spreading fear. If you watch the news, I strongly recommend you don’t unless you want to be clinically depressed, because 90% of what is out there is negative. Really sad times in my opinion. But that does not mean you, one person, must give up. There is plenty you can to do to help make this world a better place. Santa Rosa Exterminators is here to tell you what you can do from a pest control standpoint to make this world better. Throughout history humans have used and abused all sorts of different ideas, chemicals, solutions to get rid of unwanted pests. Some solutions have been deleterious to the environment and ecology, while some have proven quite effective and harmless to the surrounding flora and fauna. That is the goal of Santa Rosa Exterminators; to have the most minimally invasive pest control solutions out there to protect mother nature all while proving the city of Santa Rosa with effective pest control solutions. Sounds difficult, right? It can be. Sometimes the kinder softer way can be more difficult to implement. Or maybe more expensive. Either way you cut the cake, this Santa Rosa Pest Control Company does not cut corners and honors its promise to protect mother earth. So, what can you do as a homeowner to protect mother nature but still prevent pest from occupying your residence or business? Chemical insecticides, although extremely effective, are damaging to our environment. When you go to home depot, investigate non-chemical, organic based insecticides. Some examples are:
Besides the chemicals, how does Santa Rosa Exterminators limit damage to the environment? We use all the top of the line, eco-friendly insecticides as mentioned above. We are also extremely strategic and careful with the application of the substances. We focus on target areas and remain within the target area grids limiting exposure to insects and animals outside of this grid. And if you implement one of Santa Rosa Exterminators maintenance programs (monthly, quarterly), you get all the benefits listed below:
Santa Rosa Exterminators here to wish you happy holidays and to provide you with some helpful pest control and pest prevention strategies. Winter can be a little bit of a roller coaster for us. For example, last week we received 8 calls for mice and rat infestations. The week before no calls. Three weeks ago, we received 6 calls for ant infestations, last week one. There really is no rhyme or reason other than the fact that the ants are searching for food, and the mice and rats are searching for a nice warm space to hunker down, and food of course. So, what does all this mean to you? Well, it can mean a lot. Most important is the fact that you cannot predict when certain pests will become an issue. And when they do become an issue, the problem can be quite extensive. What is the answer to this problem? The solution is a pest control maintenance program.
Let’s make one thing clear, something Santa Rosa Exterminators likes to iterate to the community; insects, rats, mice, bees, etc. are not pests. They become a pest when we humans become pestered, meaning our personal space is occupied by said rodents and insects. They were here before we were so technically it is their home, not ours. As a Santa Rosa Pest Control company, we are also serving as an advocate for mother nature and all her creations. Our number one goal is to have the least amount of impact on mother earth; number two is to support the city of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County, and all the residential and commercial customers within the county. That said, let’s discuss why a pest control maintenance program may be the best solution for you. When an animal or insect decides to occupy the same space you do, it is time to call Santa Rosa Exterminators. Truth be told, you could have called us months before and the pest problem you are experiencing now would have probably never happened. But it did, and here we are. And if you are not aware of the problems that come with pests in your home, here are a few examples. Rodents and insects carry diseases that can be passed to you. Rodents can destroy the interior of your home by chewing through electrical wires and walls. Rodents defecate and urinate, which will create an odor that is extremely difficult to remove. Spiders like black widows procreate rapidly and have egg sacs that can produce thousands of offspring. I do not think I need to explain the dangers of having excessive black widows in your home. By no means is this list of damages and harm that pests can cause complete, but I think you get the idea. Why is a pest control maintenance program good for you? Below you will see bullet points outlining the benefits of such a program specific to Santa Rosa Exterminators and the pest control service we provide.
What is included in the monthly maintenance program through Santa Rosa Exterminators? Please see the following list of activities and interventions that we perform for our valued customers.
This is a question that Santa Rosa Exterminators often fields when we are working with a customer in need of mosquito eradication; why mosquitoes carry disease. I would first like to point out that not all mosquitoes carry disease, otherwise we would all be sick with who knows what. But they are all an annoyance that we would be better off without. Recently, there has been a lot of concern since the media reported on a West Nile Virus case in the county of Sacramento. If these disease harboring vectors are in Sacramento, they can be in the city of Santa Rosa too because the cities are not that far apart. This notion is cause for concern and if you have a lot of mosquitoes around your home, it would be a good idea to contact a pest control Santa Rosa Professional (link) sooner rather than later. The biology and habits of mosquitoes are well understood. We know they breed and produce offspring in standing water. The mosquito larvae remain in the standing water feeding on tiny organisms until they mature, become an adult, and fly off to bite someone or something. It is when they bite humans or animals that a potential infection may occur. Serious infections from mosquito bites include West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Rift Valley Fever, Malaria, and much more. If you would like to learn more about the diseases mosquitoes spread, check out this site. Fortunately for us here on the west coast we really do not need to worry about most of the diseases mentioned at this point. But, with the climate warming up, an opportunity is presenting itself for the geographic spread of different diseases. And, with the recent diagnosis of West Nile Virus in Sacramento, the spread of these dangerous diseases to the United States may become a reality. That is why it is important to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes by calling a Pest Control Santa Rosa Professional. Why do Mosquitoes bite? Much like other animals and insects, mosquitoes require sustenance to survive. In their case, they feed off the protein in blood. Female mosquitoes bite, the males do not. I am sure you often wonder how these mosquitoes track you down in the vast expanses of our world. Well, there are several things that help mosquitoes locate you, which include the carbon dioxide we exhale, the heat our bodies produce, and the body odor we emit. When you are with a group of friends, have you ever noticed that one person in the group get bit more often than others? We currently do not have a reason of exactly why this happens. There is some evidence that blood type plays a role. For example, in a recent study the mosquitoes landed on people with type O blood twice as much as people with type A or B. This could be due to the secretions we produce that tells the mosquito it is time for supper. It is quite possible as well that people who exercise frequently may be a more sought-after target. The reason being we secrete lactic acid through our skin, which is a byproduct of exercise. Lactic acid can serve as another feeding cue. Even the clothes we wear can have an impact on the amount of times we get bit. Mosquitoes have quite good vision. They can see contrasting colors. It might make sense to wear camouflage believe it or not. With all this said, mosquitoes will find you and they will bite. The key is to minimize your chance of getting bit. How do we prevent mosquito bites?Lucky for you, this Santa Rosa Pest Control expert has some excellent tips.
What do you do to minimize the effect of a mosquito bite?Each person on this planet is a little different physiologically. That said, each of us will react differently to a mosquito bite and the chemicals in the saliva from the mosquito. The absolute worst thing you can do is scratch the affected area. In doing so, your body will release more histamine, which is an immune reaction and the result of toxins introduced in to your system. Instead of scratching, try putting an ice cube on the bite area. The itch and the cold ice will be felt along the same nerve in your body but the ice and cold sensation it produces will outweigh the itching and the signal of the itchiness will be dulled if not completely removed. Anti-itch cream can also be helpful. The last piece of advice to ameliorate itching from this Santa Rosa Pest Control expert is to take an antihistamine like Benadryl. We only recommend Benadryl as a last resort if the itching is just too much to handle. How do you prevent getting bit by a mosquito?
![]() Should you hire a pest control Santa Rosa expert for monthly pest control maintenance? The short answer in our opinion and experience is definitely a giant YES! Of course you’d say, “Santa Rosa Exterminators is going to say that because they want more business.” Our reply, “of course we want more business, what pest control business does not want more customers.” Our giant and unanimous “YES” is actually us thinking about what is best for our customers and not us. The reason we emphatically suggest utilizing our monthly, semi-monthly, or quarterly maintenance programs will be laid out in our blog, so continue to read on and find out why it is in your best interest to choose one of our maintenance programs. 90% of the calls Santa Rosa Exterminators receive come from businesses or residential customers that have a current and/or ongoing pest problem and are in need of a pest control Santa Rosa pro yesterday. Termites were discovered and are eating your house out from under you. Ants are marching through your kitchen and raiding your refrigerator. Black widows have congregated in your garden and garage. And rats and mice are proliferating inside your walls and attic. Do these pest control issues sound familiar to you? Your next step, call a pest control Santa Rosa Specialist. When the pest makes itself known, often times the damage is already done. Termites may have compromised the integrity of your home. Rats and mice have defecated all throughout your house leading to potential health problems and foul smells. The ant colony invading your space has discovered several ways in and out of your home for easier future access. Black widows may have already given birth to hundreds if not thousands of offspring that are making a new home somewhere in or around your business or residence, which is kind of scary especially if you have young children. Do you want your pest problem to get to this point? This pest control Santa Rosa expert certainly doesn’t want that. Santa Rosa Exterminators has a solution for you! Most people we help aren’t aware that there is a monthly pest control maintenance program available, much like a pool cleaning service, or a landscaper. And if you are aware that there is such a service, often you do not know exactly what that entails. But before I get in to what our pest control Santa Rosa monthly service includes, let’s do a cost benefit analysis. On average, when you contact a pest control company for an ongoing pest problem emergency, it can cost anywhere from $300 to $550 to eradicate the pest. Of course there are quite a few variables involved in the final cost but this range is close enough. This cost also does not include the damage that may have been done to your home or business by said pest(s). A monthly maintenance contract for a normal sized home, 1,500 to 2,500 square feet would cost about $55 per month. Every other month would cost about $65 per month. Quarterly cost for a pest control Santa Rosa expert would be $75. If you do the math with the every other month program, your total annual cost would be $390, which is slightly above the low end range cost for a single pest control emergent event with insects, spiders, termites, fleas, rats, or mice. But, by preventing these pests from ever homesteading on your property, you are potentially saving thousands of dollars from future damage. For example, you stop the termites from ever eating your home out from under you. Mice and rats never make it to your attic or in between your walls. Black widows don’t make themselves at home in your garage, and ants do not raid your kitchen. Might be making a little more sense to hire a pest control Santa Rosa specialist on a monthly, every other month, or quarterly program, right? This is what our monthly pest control inspections consist of:
When you hire Santa Rosa Exterminators as your pest control professional we like to think we provide you with peace of mind by protecting the integrity of your home or business. Besides knowing you are safe and sound from the likes of spiders, ants, termites, rats, mice, and any other pest you can think of, by signing up for our monthly maintenance program, we would actually use less pesticides! Yes, you heard me right, less chemicals in or around your home. Not only do the benefits outweigh the costs associated with monthly pest control maintenance, but you also receive the added benefit of minimizing harmful chemicals used in or around your home that could affect your loved ones health. So if you can’t tell by now, we think it would benefit you to hire a pest control Santa Rosa professional on a monthly, every other month, or even quarterly basis for all the reasons we have laid out. Not only is it more economical i.e. better on your wallet, but it could prevent future health concerns, protect the integrity of your home, and help you sleep soundly at night knowing your family is safe from what lurks outside. Come check us out on our website at https://santarosaexterminators.com or give us a call at 707-755-7070. We have several pest control Santa Rosa specialists standing by waiting to help you in any way we can. We look forward to hearing from you.
How to get rid of aphids, slugs, and snails from your fruit and vegetable gardens?
Here we are, the number one pest control Santa Rosa professional, Santa Rosa Exterminators, is here with some more tips and tricks for the homeowner. If you are anything like me, you have fruit trees and vegetable plants in your backyard and the fruit and veggies are just about ready to be picked. Yesterday I went out to examine my strawberries, zucchinis, and snap peas, and low and behold I see snail tracks and aphids clustered on the stems of my strawberry plants. Sadly, some of the fruit and vegetables were too damaged to be salvaged, and needed to be thrown away. You are probably wondering why does the owner of a pest control company have problems with pests? Shouldn’t he be the first person to know and understand how these insects work and what they go after? Well, silly me, I got too wrapped up with my two young children and the day to day activities of work that I neglected my plants in my yard. These issues could have been easily been prevented had I took the necessary steps to protect my plants right away. Now, I have to work harder to get rid of these pests and at the same time lose a little bit of my harvest, which does not make me a happy guy. Sadly, I’ve learned this lesson before and my hope is that you, the reader, will get the opportunity to read this article and be proactive with your gardens so that you do not have the same issues I have. So continue reading on and see how you can get rid of aphids, slugs, and snails. If you don’t know what aphids are they are small, almost translucent insects that feed on plant juices, like tiny little vampires. They are a very common Santa Rosa pest control problem. They attack the entirety of the plant and reproduce rapidly. I found the majority of these insects all up and down the stems of my strawberry plants. They were everywhere! Before you know it, like me, you can have a serious aphid problem on your hands. Make sure when you are examining your plants that you look at the new growth because that’s what they like the most; and check beneath leaves as well. When I see aphids I take a spray bottle and fill it with water and a tiny bit of dish soap. I then spray the plants from the stem up. Spray your plants once a day for a total of about 2 weeks. It will take about 2 weeks in my experience to rid your plants of the aphids using this method. Neem oil and triple action are also effective. Now let’s talk about our little friends, slugs and snails, another very common Santa Rosa pest control problem. I don’t think I need to describe what they look like other than some have shells, some do not, and some are a delicacy in France, called escargot. They like the dark and for the most part you will not see them during the day. But you will see the famous, shiny slime trail they leave behind, which is a clear sign you have a slug and snail problem. They are not preferential with what they eat; they eat it all, but for the most part their wreckage can be identified by large holes in the leaves. The only solution for slugs is to purchase a slug repellent, and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the area you want to protect. Or, I guess you could stay out all night and wait for them to arrive, but I don’t think that is how you want to spend your time. I hope that you find this information helpful and also that you are able to save your fruits and veggies from these insects. If you have any questions or would like a pest control Santa Rosa pro to visit your home for a related or unrelated issue, give Santa Rosa Exterminators a call at 707-755-7070. ![]() Santa Exterminators here, your pest control company in Santa Rosa CA. The picture above was taken over the weekend at our customer's house. It is hard to discern what is in the picture because the critters are so small but what you may or may not see are sprintail fleas, and a lot of them! Sprintail fleas are somewhat harmless to people but they can do quite a bit of damage to your gardens if left to their own devices. They are often found and seen in homes after a lot of rain or droughts. They require a humid and moist environment to thrive and survive and their normal meal of choice are fungi, mildew, and other bacteria and decayed plants. They feed on plants and trees by extracting liquids and can spread disease causing organisms. They are also quite difficult to eradicate, they jump and evade capture or their demise just like the common flea, and most pest control products you buy from the store really don't do the job to get rid of them. We do have a couple suggestions for you as the homeowner or business owner to rid yourself of these springtails. If you are unsuccessful we strongly recommend calling a pest control expert in Santa Rosa. Here is some additional information on springtails. 1. Ventilate your home - use dehumidifiers and fans to reduce the moisture in your home 2. Pour vinegar over the sprintails 3. Wash the sprintails with detergent 4. Use oils like cedar oil, neem oil, clove and thyme oil, or eucalyptus oil 5. Keey your yard clean because sprintails like to eat decaying organic material. 6. Treat the little insects with bleach 7. Seal entry points around your home Sealing entry points is extremely important, and one of the jobs that Santa Rosa Exterminators takes seriously and does extremely well. Not only will it limit the amount of pests entering your home, it will also help you sleep better at night knowing the inside of your home is protected. We hope that this information has been helpful. Should you need a sonoma county pest control company, give us a call! Santa Rosa Pest Control
You know it is funny when I think back to the origins of pest control and exterminators because so much has changed. When I was a young lad growing up in the bay area, I remember hearing my mom and dad say, “looks like we gotta call the exterminator again! Darn rats are in the walls!” We never used the words pest control. Well as the world has evolved so has the world of exterminators and pest control. The word exterminator is definitive; something is going to die. The word can be construed as harsh, not environmentally friendly, and troubling for some people. In lieu of the definition and connotation associated with the word, society decided to create a gentler and softer term that would make people feel more comfortable. Hence, here we are in the world of pest control companies.
Pest control companies still exterminate, terminate, eradicate, and any other word associated with the killing of something (insects, rodents, arachnids). Now, it is just disguised under the term “control”. I am a fan of this change and this is why. Here is a lite background. I am the owner of Santa Rosa Exterminators. I grew up in an area that had a ton of bugs and rodents. My first pet was a rat! I love insects and animals, always have. Whenever I catch a bug or spider in my house I relocate it to my garden. When I had a mouse infestation problem in my chicken coup, I used live traps. In 3 days I caught over 30 mice and relocated them to my neighbors’ garage. Totally kidding, I did not do that, even though I wanted to. So how does someone with such a love and affinity for these so called pests, own and operate a pest control company? Easy, because I like to provide the least invasive and most environmentally friendly pest control solutions. My tactics are extremely effective and I spend plenty of time listening to my customers and their needs before I plan my attack. I also take into consideration the implications of removing or eradicating a pest from that specific environment. For example, recently a homeowner called me and said they had a bee infestation in their house. After discovering the infestation was the wonderful honey bee, and knowing honey bees need some human protection, I created a plan to relocate these bees to a new home. Long story short, the honey bees are now pollinating beautiful flowers, plants, fruit trees in another area in Sonoma County. The bees did not need to be destroyed; they just needed a new home away from businesses and homeowners. Now if you had wasps or yellow jackets, those things are nasty, and I would kill them! My goal is to help you, the homeowner, the business owner, and provide you with a pest control solution that is effective. My team and I have a ton of experience with every pest you can think of. From termite inspections and termite removal, to monthly pest control maintenance, insect suppression and rodent removal, Santa Rosa Exterminators has you covered. G We also use nothing but the best products from Kness Mfg. that are environmentally friendly and extremely effective. Give us a call today at 707-755-7070. |
AuthorNobody likes a pest like a rat, termite, or spider invading their personal space and potentially destroying your home. Learn about what actions you can take to protect your sanctuary and provide some pest control. Archives
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